Let’s say you’ve optimized your site to the hilt. You’ve engaged on social media to promote blog posts and special offers. You also launched an email blast to target audiences and some PPCa (pay-per-click) advertising. Yet, organic traffic is still a trickle. Your best page ranking is 40+ so the only meaningful inquiries come from the PPC campaign that you intended shut down after a few months, but that’s the only thing that works to drive traffic. What do you do next?
You are not alone. Most sites rank poorly without the boost from a PPC budget. They’re gone from the top rank pages the moment the campaign ends. I find a lot of wishful thinking about how to solve the problem. For a surprising number of SEO consultants, the easy fix are SEO cheats! If you manage or own a site and thinking about cheating, pause and read on.
I’ve tried SEO cheats. Not just one or two, but every cheat ever invented. As my reward, between 1997 and 1999, this website—heavypen.com—ranked in the top 100,000 overall according to Alexa (at the time, a leading source for free site analytics). My site ranked in top positions for every keyword that mattered: freelance writer, freelance public relations, marketing consultant, and so on. The long version and all the gory details can be found in another post, SEO: The Temptation and Peril of Spamdexing. The short story: I tried everything back in the day when everything worked.
During that period, I had a friend who ran a very successful link farm. What’s a link farm? One very important bit of ranking value that remains the same today is the number of backlinks that point back to a website. The higher the number of links, the greater the perceived value of a site, thus better the ranking. Nowadays, complex algorithms weigh each link for relevance with the site being ranked. They also measure the domain authority between linker and linkee—a statistical ballast to ensure that users find the link useful.
But the search engine algorithms back then were crazy simple. And they had no defense from SEO cheats and anyone with the tools and knowledge to game the system. We knew this and, like so many others, took advantage of the weakness. My friend and his associates created hundreds of sites, each equipped with hundreds of links to unrelated sites he didn’t own. The sites contained simple lists of links—no headlines, no descriptions. As his main website soared into Alexa‘s top 5,000, we sold ad space in the link farm. One very early success story from that time was an elaborate link farm branded as the “Internet Link Exchange”; dumb backlinks disguised as ads. We imitated and for a while, it all worked very well.
Those were great times.
The subhead is misleading. There wasn‘t a single day that the world of SEO turned upside down. Google launched in 1998, and things were fine. About a year later, the changes began and things were not so fine. Google was first. Later Yahoo and Bing joined in. Month after month, we realized our tricks weren’t working. And one by one, our site rankings fell well below the 1M mark. To be honest, this is where we belonged. We earned our punishment with our blatant SEO cheats. but most of our content was not a true reflection of what people wanted to find and read.
There was a ‘day’ we realized there was nothing we could do to stop the fall. I think it was April or May 2000 that my friend (the one with the big farm site) called me. I remember his words: “I’ve been f***g delisted!” What he meant was his main site was removed from all search results. By the end of that particular day we discovered that most of his and mine sites were completely gone.
My main site—Heavypen.com—had a significant structural difference over other websites in the link farm ecology. For one, I was one of a dozen producers who had articles that people were actually reading. Another difference, Heavypen.com had no ads, no ecommerce, and very few outbound links to the farm. What I had was a lot of words and pictures. In 2000, my site had a total word count of about 40k words in content—considered very large for that time. Other link farm members loved to link to my site, and it was thanks to their links that Heavypen ranked so well.
By contrast, most of the sites in our farm had less than 10,000 words—in total! And much of that content was invested in anchor text for links back to other sites in the farm. Quite a few of them looped back to our ecom so that people could purchase advertising positions on our lists. If you know anything about backlink management, this is the classic example of a ‘spammy’ site. Of all the thousands of spammy sites we generated in the dozens of the affiliated farms, none ever returned to search pages.
Back to differences, sites with a better balance of links to non-linked words recovered somewhat. For instance, ‘producer’ sites like Heavypen returned to keyword searches as soon as I deleted the link farm links. Sad to say, Heavypen never to its former glory, but that’s another story. Bottomline: our business model was defunct because it was based cheating that degraded search results. That’s where the rest of our analysis takes us.
If you were online in 1996 – 1999, you remember AltaVista and the utter chaos of pure machine-driven search results with none of the semantic results we rely on today for high quality search results.
On AltaVista—and about 10 other top search engines—search input was based purely on the keywords used for the search. I once searched “vegan restaurants” (to arrange a lunch for a relative who is a vegan) and got pages of various vegan organizations, but nary a restaurant.
Search engines have always relied on software (called “spiders”) that crawled every bit of content on the net. The spiders did a superb job of recording links and words used in the associated webpages. It was so easy to game the system. All you had to do was join a link farm or link network. There was little incentive to create useful content.
Google algorithms now watches for old SEO cheats (like link farms)—so don’t try them. You’ll get yourself banned. This is what’s pushing Google’s unstoppable success. In the last few years, Google now generates the most relevant search results I’ve ever seen. Now if I search “vegan restaurants,” I may still see vegan organizations, but now “vegan” and “restaurant” weigh in with my geographic location. I will see lists of local restaurants that serve to the vegan target market along with photos, menus, food ingredients, and directions on how to get to the restaurants. This is Google’s next level search world. Each search query deserves more accurate and relevant results.
They’ve moved away from delivering results based on keywords. They’re producing results that weigh in favor of the searcher. Everything about the searcher counts: the context of the search, location of the search user, time of day, search history, and the device they’re using. Google even checks word usage to weigh context with the requested search and the quality of the text presented (e.g., grammar, diction, spelling, et cetera). It’s called semantic search, where software ranks content based on the fuzzy value of the searchers intent rather than fixed values like the number of times that keywords appear in the text. Therein lies the measure of the Google Endgame – all of this effort in service for the true master: the people who use Google to find stuff. Google HAS to get this right.
And that… my friends… is why there’s no room left for bad SEO cheats and shortcuts.
What I learned from that experience was that the real ‘sure-fire’ method to entice search engines is producing content that takes advantage of the semantic algorithm magic of modern the search engine spiders (Google, Bing, et al.). If you do the things I suggest here, your website will be automatically enrolled into a database that will match you with high quality, relevant traffic, straight from your target demographic: people who are engaged in searching out your product or service (or nonprofit mission). Once you get started, you won’t believe how easy it is to keep going. It takes little investment. They’re no new software or subscriptions to buy. And – know what? It’s totally “white hat.” Years of work has proven that THIS method is the single, most effective way to generate high-quality traffic. Sound too good to be true?
My total reform began in 1999 when I won a contract with the California Courts. It was sheer luck that they found my site before the big delist. They were so impressed that my website ranked so high that they hired me on as a consultant to solve a problem that I (along with many of my colleagues) had caused through our intensive spamdexing.
I love irony.
A mishmash of attorney offices, nonprofits, bail bonds agencies, and even porn sites absolutely buried the official California Courts Self-help section. The big question—how to dig them out.
They had already developed an impressive quantity of content that covered a wide range of self-help court-related topics—every detail about the courts and their proceedings that a plaintiff (or defendant) would want to know. My first recommendation was to convert all of that content into individual PDF documents. We optimized each doc to the max with good titles, descriptions, and tags (this is something that people forget to do even now). Then I imbedded the docs into link pages that were also heavily keyword optimized.
In less than 6 months after posting these new pages, California Courts dominated the first two results pages for a wide swath of legal search terms in California. We bumped off the “spamdexers.”
And we produced a lot of good backlinks with other websites that had great reason to link like attorney websites, law schools, legal assistance nonprofits, and even a few newspapers and magazines. In other words, we developed backlinks to highly relevant content—something that Google pushes today. Keep in mind, this was well before social media, so we didn’t have the added resource of off-page links we could create at will. But to be honest, we needed nothing else. What caught me off guard was how fast the situation changed in our favor. That was it for me. I turned the corner and went all “white hat” and never looked back.
Since then, I’ve expanded my understanding of search engine ranking and how original content linking works to your favor. But the most important lesson is the manta of the “Google Endgame.”
The Google Endgame is the endgame for all search engines. They run a business. They offer a free service that draws in eyeballs, but their core business is advertising and website promotion. And for that they need users who trust them to deliver high quality searches, not spam.
Plan accordingly.
About: Ray Wyman, Jr is a content creator, communications professional, and author with more than 30 years of experience. Visit LinkedIN or Raywyman.com for more information.
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