writer’s journey

The Sisyphean Torture of Writing an Unfinished Novel

I don't know how many journalists I have met who have said, "I'm writing a novel." Maybe it's like being…

6 years ago

How to search for a freelance writer for your project.

Take a shortcut and start with a “heavypen.” If you’re reading this, you’re looking for a freelance writer for a…

6 years ago

Advice for the Fearful Blogger in a 3-Part Plan

Time to get over your fear of blogging. It's easier than we think: getting over fear. Good thing, too. While…

9 years ago

David Bowie: The Last of the Young Dudes – RIP

David Bowie has died. Finally, I can say that my youth has gone. The ultimate YOUNG DUDE has passed away…

9 years ago

Modern Journalism in a Modern Democracy: Who watches the Watchdogs?

Three things that everyone can do to shed opinion bias. Adrian Vore of the San Diego Union-Tribune echos a long-held opinion…

9 years ago

Confessions from a Failed Screenwriter

An old friend posted a photo on his Facebook page. The image was of me, Peter Burke, and Steve Werblun hamming it…

11 years ago

Writer’s Journey: Plagiarism, Ethics, and Stealing

Some smart guy once said that “familiarity is the breeding ground of all contempt for the law.” Maybe it was…

13 years ago

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