Writer’s Journey

Like any long trip, the Writer’s Journey begins with the first step. After that, a series of stumbles, missteps, and maybe even a fall or two. But the determined traveller finds a way to pick himself up and begin again. This is my journey.

The Sisyphean Torture of Writing an Unfinished Novel

I don't know how many journalists I have met who have said, "I'm writing a novel." Maybe it's like being…

6 years ago

Advice for the Fearful Blogger in a 3-Part Plan

Time to get over your fear of blogging. It's easier than we think: getting over fear. Good thing, too. While…

9 years ago

Confessions from a Failed Screenwriter

An old friend posted a photo on his Facebook page. The image was of me, Peter Burke, and Steve Werblun hamming it…

11 years ago

Writer’s Journey: Plagiarism, Ethics, and Stealing

Some smart guy once said that “familiarity is the breeding ground of all contempt for the law.” Maybe it was…

13 years ago

Well Rising

Can Poetry Save the Earth? I was rummaging through some notes and rediscovered this wonderfully written poem called 'The Well…

15 years ago

Reality of the “Creative Class”: Outsourced and Outbid by Mediocrity

Led by cost-drivers and faulty notions of management, businesses abandoned the Creative Classes with hand-over-fist outsourcing. They discovered writers and designers…

15 years ago

The Joy of Chestnuts, the Pleasure of the Roast

About this time of year, it's Perry Como who takes me back to the happier days of my childhood. Specifically,…

23 years ago

Very Heavy – Since 1997

My journey began with this website. Heavypen.com was my first website. I launched it in 1997. The pic on the…

23 years ago

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